Friday, November 18, 2011

Things are just funnier at 4am

So I woke up around 2am and tossed and turned for about an hour before I gave up and surrendered to the internet. Always great when you can't sleep and since most of my friends are awake playing Skrym anyway i have entertainment at least. I also kind of miss my night owl schedual.
So for a good laugh watch this

then watch this

Thank you Dan for showing us these.
Hope you get all your hearts.

And for my favorite video on youtube.


Monday, October 17, 2011

New Winter Scarves and Cowls

For the past few weeks I've been working with new 'winter' yarn, it's very bulky/chunky and even though it's acrylic it's extremely soft.
This is also the first time I've made scarves this long, and I have to say i'm usually not a big fan of scarves (I get them stuck in car doors and such) but these I like, but I made them why wouldn't I like them >.<

In other news, I got my eyes checked at the beginning of the month and to no ones surprise they've gotten significantly worse so I had to order new glasses, which I did through a company online, i got 2 pairs of glasses for $30!! Prescription included! I should be getting them today!! It will be nice not to have to be constantly squinting at everything even with my glasses on! 

OH and I got my e-reader fixed, (okay James fixed it) so now I can keep doing Book Review Tuesday! 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

As most of you already know October is breast cancer awareness month so to show my support everything I've been making as been pink. and in my shop all this month you can use the coupon code ThinkPink for 15% off your entire purchase! 

Along with all of the new pink items I've been working on new chunky cowls and super long chunky scarves with this great extra bulky high quality acrylic yarn. It's by far the softest acrylic yarn I've come across and isn't itchy like some wools. I'm hoping today or tomorrow i'll have the new items listed, they'll be great for winter! 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Must haves for fall

So it's official ... school is back in session and there's a chill in the air ....
That's right the best time of year is back!!!
Fall of course!!
Today I wanted to share with you some of my must haves for the season 

Let's just start this off right with BOOTS!!!!

I love these, and someday will have a pair!I have something similar in brown but they are shorter.
Can't do heals? Easy fix these work great! and are much smarter for colder weather.
I swear if I catch you in uggs, yea you I will not forgive you! Unless of course you're wearing them around the house ... but like your favorite pair of sweatpants they are not to be worn outside in public!

On to sweaters, it might be because I have gangly arms and legs but I looooove sweaters that are super long and have really long arms! And can be work with a pair of leggings around the house to be super comfy! 

Loop scarves are popular again this winter, and I just recently made a purple one for myself that I've been wearing every chance I get. 

This mint blue loop scarf is from my Etsy shop Buttons&YarnOHMY

Well that's all for now! 


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Things I love Thursday

All of you that use Etsy know that you can favorite items, well I favorite like a crazy person then about once or twice a week go through them and clear out the ones i'll never buy and keep the ones that will some day be on my birthday list or that I want to buy for someone else. So in the spirit of Things I Love Thursday here are some of my favs from Etsy 
<3 <3 <3

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Buttons BNR Team

I am happy to say that my Etsy shop Buttons&YarnOHMY has been doing very well these past few months. 
And Etsy is like a second home! I have been participating in BNR's and BNS's a lot and last week I started my own team called Buttons BNR Team original I know. So now i'm curating! Which is a lot harder than I thought it was! But since Etsy is essentially my day job now I have the time to dedicate to it. 
So every Tuesday and Thursday I host a BNS to BNR. 
Today we are in BNR mode and after 16 total sales we'll switch back to BNS and once in BNS mode we go until we fill 16 slots and in this mode there are free spots given to a random team member and shops who bring in the most people, then it's back to BNR.  
So etsians if you have any interest i'd love for you to come check us out! Even if you don't want to join you can always check out our treasuries! 

Here is the one for today


Friday, August 26, 2011

The Fall lineup!

Okay before I start this ... I just have to mention that I experienced my first earthquake!!! 
And it scared the crap out of me! 
I was knitting in my craftroom and everything started to shake I had no clue what was happening and I found it hilarious that I found out it was an earthquake through Twitter, instead of the news because it got there first. 

ANYWAY on to the good stuff!!!

The mornings here have been getting chilly, granted i'm talking about 6am, but still the temperature change has been pretty drastic. It quickly warms up though. But in the spirit of the days getting shorter and the mornings getting cooler I took a break from Coffee Cozies and started knitting Cowls and going along with trying to be more organized (and i'm tired of having 15 projects going at once) I made a list of all of the yarn I had and what I was going to do with it. Then went through my books and found what patterns to do with what (learned a few things along the way) and came up with some great new ideas for cowls. It was also a beautiful day to sit outside in the garden and sketch (something I swore I would do more of and hardly ever do)

Here are some of my favorites so far! 
So this Crimson cowl quickly became a favorite and I plan on making myself one for winter. 
It's bamboo yarn so super super soft and i used a large gauge needle so it's also light, great for fall, and large enough to be doubled up when it gets colder.

And the coffee cup cozy that goes with it! I try to make a coffee cup cozy to go with every cowl and/or scarf

Now this one took longer than the red one because I used smaller needles, but it would definitely be better for those colder months! Taller, and not as long but good in it's own way. And it's covered with different shades of purple buttons.

I didn't have any more of the off-white yarn so I used a light purple with more purple buttons, really you can never have enough purple right! 

I also made 2 more cowls with corresponding cozies but haven't gotten them photographed yet but fingers crossed it'll happen tomorrow! 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Start the morning right

I can not express how lovely it is to wake up to morning glories ...
being dependent on caffeine 6am is not a friendly part of the day, especially since for the past 3 days I've been battling an unrelenting head-cold. I am so congested i can hardly breath and my head wont stop pounding but thankfully when I stumbled down to the kitchen to make breakfast and pack my beau's lunch I looked out my kitchen window to my ever growing garden and found more morning glories than i'd ever had at one time. It's almost as if my garden always knows what I need even when I don't know what that is. 

This was taken from our balcony off our bedroom, there were 4 or 5 blue morning glories blooming up there

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Need a book to read?

So there is this amazing podcast I listen to called GeeksOn. Really it's the only podcast I listen to but I absolutely love it! Those 4 guys (and Lisa) are the reason I started reading Game of Thrones .. which if you haven't read yet get off your computer and go get the first book ... go ... no, go now. It's amazing.
So the latest episode of the not so bimonthly podcast was about a new book called Starcrossed and they had the author Josephine Angelini on for an interview. Don (my favorite geek) whom I share the most common interests with I think, us Buffy fans have to stick together, was really excited about this book. So like the good geekling I am I got online and ordered it and proceeded to read it in a day and a half. 
Two thumbs up! I have recommended it to all of my friends! I couldn't put this book down!
Warning!!! It's a trilogy!!! So now we have to wait until next year for book two.

I always find myself turning to the GeeksOn podcast when I need something new to read or need a new show to watch. They have a listener who does little segments called SmartyLibrarian who does book reviews and suggests books, she's great to listen to as well and I always find myself writing down titles she suggests. 

So now you have something to read, and a new podcast to listen to! 
Have a great week geeklings!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The reason I need a sewing machine

So I've been looking for a sewing machine, there's a lot of little things I want to do with my shop that would be a lot faster with a sewing machine.

Then I found these, my favorite style dresses ever!
Very Suzie Q 

If I could wear dresses like these every day I would be in heaven!! 

Monday, August 1, 2011

Where the magic happens

I am terribly bad at cleaning and make a habit of just rearranging and reorganizing instead of just putting things back where they go. 

So this is before

My giant floor to almost ceiling bookshelf that houses my finished products and packing supplies 

My 6ft long table that serves as a desk
Soon the laptop will be replaced with the desktop PC

The bulitan board kept falling down so i just rested it against the wall
and I really need to find a better way to store my yarn
I'm open to suggestions! 

Friday, July 29, 2011

Dishcloth Pattern

For your basic dishcloth

1 ball of knit worsted weight cotton (Sugar N’ Cream) 50 gm size
Size 7 needles

Cast on 4 sts.
Row 1: Knit one row.
Row 2: K2, YO, knit to the end of the row.
Repeat row 2 until there are 40 sts
Next row: K1, K2tog, YO, K2tog, knit to the end of the row.
Continue decreasing until 4 sts left. Cast off.

Found Organic Cotton Yarn!

Don't you just love rediscovering things?!?!
I do!!
I bough a bunch of 100% cotton yarn forever ago! Along with some red hand dyed organic cotton yarn!
All of which I stumbled upon yesterday while cleaning so I dug out my dishcloth pattern and started knitting away!
I've got 3 blue and white dishcloths finished already and half way through a white one. 
I still have purple and red to make! 
Knitting is so much fun <3 

I also made a bunch of pie crusts this morning 
I posted the recipe on my other blog HERE 
I'm going to make chicken pot pie for dinner tonight. One of my favorite meals! 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Things I love Thursday

The first thing I want to show you is a new blog i'm starting called Food&Love
dedicated to my love for food and also helping me stay on top of a healthy living style.

So lets keep on the same pattern shall we <3 

My favorite chef Giada De Laurentiis

Very filling snack! SMOOTHIES

Currently my favorite magazine to get recipes 

On my 'need to get' list, not this box and cards specifically but i need recipe cards and a box :-)