For the past few weeks I've been working with new 'winter' yarn, it's very bulky/chunky and even though it's acrylic it's extremely soft.
This is also the first time I've made scarves this long, and I have to say i'm usually not a big fan of scarves (I get them stuck in car doors and such) but these I like, but I made them why wouldn't I like them >.<
In other news, I got my eyes checked at the beginning of the month and to no ones surprise they've gotten significantly worse so I had to order new glasses, which I did through a company online, i got 2 pairs of glasses for $30!! Prescription included! I should be getting them today!! It will be nice not to have to be constantly squinting at everything even with my glasses on!
OH and I got my e-reader fixed, (okay James fixed it) so now I can keep doing Book Review Tuesday!