Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Book Review Tuesday

Summer Books you MUST READ!!!!
Okay only if you want to though!
A few weeks ago I was in search of a good "beach book" and one night at work while straightening I stumbled upon The Last Summer of You and Me
From the woman who brought us Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants when we were teens now she is writing to girls in their 20's. Which is exactly what Ive been looking for. Young Adult books, not Teen. 
This is also the first book I've read by Ann Brashares so I decided last night to go back and read the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, I never read it, just watched the movies, which I enjoyed. 
So while searching for the books in the computer last night at work I was informed of Sisterhood Everlasting, which will be released June 14, 2011 and will be the fifth installment of the Traveling Pants series and now the girls are in their late 20's and finding their way in the world! 
So my goal is to read the four traveling pants books before this one comes out. Which should be do-able. 

Also by Ann Brashares is My Name is Memory which came out last summer and is being released in paperback next month. From what I've read so far it is about a man who falls in love with the same women century after century ... 
Within the next few weeks we will have a "Favorite Beach Books" section and the book is to be shelved there  but i'll let you know what I think as soon as I finish it! 

I go through some really strange and ADD induced phases with the books I read. Right now its mostly lovey-dovey stuff with happily ever after but I haven't been on a Science Fiction kick in a while so maybe that will be next. 
Now that summer is upon us though all I can think about is the beach and just relaxing and reading! 
Unfortunately Tennessee is pretty landlocked, but this is what books are for! 


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Do Fathers Day on a Budget!

I would like to start off by saying that I have successfully completed 7 awesome headbands to start a new section in my shop. 4 of them represent Hogwarts houses <3. This is what I intended to blog about today, but with a failed attempt to find a camera I had to rethink. 

Back to the drawing board!

At work we have been putting out Fathers Day paraphernalia for a little while now 
(since the day after mothers day). So this morning I grabbed my coffee and jumped on Etsy to see what I could find for Dads this year! Here is a link to the Treasury 
and a little sneak peek .... 

Maple Bacon Chocolate Chip Cookes

Mustache stackable coffee mugs!


Something cute for office dad!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Wizard Rock

I have been in a totally awesome wizard rock mood today! So I thought I'd share what I've been listening too!

We R Lightening Scars

Ministry of Magic - This Town

The Ministry of Magic is probably one of my favorite Wrock bands. The Mudbloods come in a close second though. Enjoy! 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

It's Thursday ... Again

Well seeings how today is in fact Thursday ... not yesterday I thought i'd blog again. 
I didn't realize until later yesterday that I did "Things I love Thursday" a day early. ... I guess this is what happens when you blog B.C. (before coffee)

This kind of explains it all I guess. I'm moving into my new place today. After I get out of work at 10. I can only move a little at a time so i'm taking the essentials. Clothes, and Etsy Supplies. I have a few days off from work at the bookstore so i'll be using my time to set up the craft room and re-list my stuff on Etsy and take my shop off vacation. =) 
Fingers crossed for a smooth move!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Things I love Thursday

 Starbucks Cinnamon Dolce Latte <3 If it's before noon and I'm around a starbucks this is my drink of choice. I love them!

 Etsy, I could spend my entire paycheck here! Just on supplies for my shop alone!! Anything I have ever searched for they have had it! I could spend hours just browsing treasuries.
 Glee: I have watched it since the very first episode. The love triangles are getting a little old but Kurt and Blaine are keeping me going. I haven't seen the finale yet, I plan on watching it when I'm done blogging! I'm very very excited about it!
 Amazing summer drink. Black Tea Lemonade <3
InezGill I love her shop! And can't wait to buy a headband from her! She is also a fellow Etsy seller!
You can visit her shop HERE

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Paxton's Picks

One of the little boys I babysit, Paxton, has an amazing personality and a huge love of hats. Yesterday morning he was playing in his sandbox outside with his fedora on and I just thought it was the cutest thing in the world. So this morning while we watch Baby Einsteins he is picking out some of his favorite Fedora's on ETSY! 
Here are some of the ones he chose!

And also a link to the treasury we made!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Headband Queen

I'm very excited to announce that I am in the process of making headbands for my Etsy shop! 
A little back-story, when I was little (second grade ish) I always wore headbands and remember my teacher calling me "the headband queen". I of course didn't continue wearing headbands everyday but I wish I did and wear them a lot now. But have been finding them rather expensive. 

My Etsy shop started with just scarves and cowls and now that its summer I'm trying to branch out into new items still centered around buttons and yarn! I've started making knit jewelry with button embellishments and also am continuing to make coffee cozy's and lighter weight infinity scarves. But while laying in bed one night I thought about making my own headbands similarly to how I make bracelets and necklaces. Very hippy bohemian influences. Making it myself is my solution for fashion problems when i can't find what I'm looking for or if i can't afford it . So if they come out well I'll end up showcasing them in my shop!

I have some favorite shops on Etsy to buy headbands to share with everyone

2 Filles Du Nord is an amazing shop out of Canada that I happened on through a BNR on Etsy a few weeks back and ended up buying a headband from them. And I love it!! Not only are the affordable but they are adorable yet sophisticated at the same time! <3 

BeSomethingNew is another great shop that I found during one of my many headband searches. The prices are really good just not anything I can afford at the moment but they have an amazing selection!!! I suggest you check them out! 

Also in my headband mood today I created a treasury on Etsy for headband lovers, you can view it 


Friday, May 20, 2011

Future Plans

As anyone who has stopped by my shop knows I am in the process of moving and do not have my shop active at the moment as I do not have reliable transportation to the USPS. I will however continue to work on projects for my shop so that when I am settled I will have plenty of items and a great variety. I plan on expanding my jewelry selection and also start making headbands. Once I am settled into my new place I plan to focus my full attention on my shop and crafts. I will be attending multiple art and craft shows which I will share with everyone here!

In other news:

A good friend of mine just had her baby yesterday morning =) So congratulations to her and her new family!
She is also a fellow Etsy shop owner and her and I have some future shop endeavors we are planning to explore.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Book Review Tuesday

As those of you in book-land know Tuesday is "New Release" Day.. unless you're James Patterson and then you release your books on Mondays ... So new interesting books coming out today!

These books all didn't come out today. But these are the new ones out within the last few weeks that I either liked or though would be interesting <3
And the list is as follows:

Oh Betty White, the new "it girl" This woman is amazingly brilliant and hilarious! 

Sookie Stackhouse, The newest instalment of the book series. You can also check out True Book on HBO.
This series has been recommended to me multiple times and its on my list of things to read, I just have yet to do it yet =) But i'll get there soon.

I've read a few pages from this at work and couldn't stop laughing. 

Lately I've been having trouble finding books with heroins I can relate too, Teen fiction has been too 13 year old whiny lately. And the heroines in regular fiction have been 30-40 year old divored women with children. And as I am 22, just out of college still believe in true love its hard to relate to these characters that are presented to me. I usually read fantasy but I just finished "Along for the Ride" by Sarah Dessen and this is her newest book. And also on my "to read" list!

The most anticipated book of the summer <3
According to me and my household anyway
And if you haven't read the Song of Ice and Fire series
And when you're done reading it you can catch Game of Thrones on HBO on Sunday's

Well thats all for now, Today will be filled with Babysitting, Etsy BNR's and Working at the bookstore <3
You can check out the treasury i'm in right HERE


Monday, May 16, 2011

ADD, Procrastination and The Internet

I have today off and not sure what I want to do with my freedom. I have projects for my shop to work on but don't dare knit this early in the morning, and I dont' want to get consumed in a project because I'm leaving in a little bit to babysit ... so ... TO THE INTERNET lets just see where this goes, and may it help you on your procrastination journey. And I can't just do one thing at a time...

When I open my computer in the morning these are the tabs I automatically open
1. Facebook
-what a great time waster
2. Etsy
-check my shop and if I have time browse around and see whats new, there are always new treasuries everyday
3. DearBlankPleaseBlank
- Totally addicted and its hilarious!! Grouchy Rabit is good too and you can get to it through this page.

I found this site Via a friend on Facebook
Alice and Kev
Makes me want to play Sims3 again, talk about a great time waster.

If you're into Harry Potter, Average Wizard is a great site to find a laugh on, and sometimes even be inspired by. It is similar to MLIA but centered around HP

And to end this ADD tour of The Internet, I'd like to end on my favorite time waster. The LOLCATZ

Sunday, May 15, 2011

New Treasury on Etsy

It's the Buttons & Yarn OH MY Treasury brought to you by Buttons&YarnOHMY <3
Check it out, I chose mostly bright colors as it is summer down here. Enjoy! Treasury

Saturday, May 14, 2011

For the Harry Potter fan in your life

Being the huge HP fan that I am I feel it is my duty that I share this.
(even though you probably already know about it)
I really want to collect all of the sets and make the magical world in my craft room. 
(costs $$$ though so it'll take time)

Yesterday when I came into work this was waiting for me on the desk <3 Thanks to a lovely fellow employee who knows my obsession with the series.
We don't carry this set in the store but we do have
Quiditch, Freeing Doby and the Lego Castle game.

So, Get giant table and start building!!! And keep the trouble making cat out of the craft room!


Friday, May 13, 2011

Wow lack of posts

Not that I am at all surprised by this but lets just jump back in shall we. 
So what has been going on lately?

Well shop wise i'm doing a lot better lately. I have been featured in BNR's which are really fun and totally addicting! This is the link to the one I am currently IN

Katelyn has been staying with me the past few days, which is AWESOME! not only do we double our wardrobe and jewelery but I have someone to watch the scary storms with! Which thanks to the lovely TN weather have been very very scary lately. 

Other things that have happened since Ive been not blogging:
I fall more and more in love with Sheldon Cooper every day! And I hate that Lenard isn't with Penny!!!

This happened 

These two are the only reason I'm still even watching Glee <3
Even Though I liked Darren's hair long oh well, still have a ginormous crush on him.

My boyfriend has gotten me into watching MotoGP this year, Lorenzo is my pick, but Aaron likes Rossi.

And I do believe that is all for now folks .. hopefully i'll not slack off again and keep up with this :-) fingers crossed!